
Update 3.0 - May 9, 2023

Case and Evidence Access Restrictions

  • Regular users and observers no longer have access to all cases and evidence. These users must be assigned to the case or set as a case lead to view a case or its evidence. Monolith admins still have full access to all cases and evidence.

  • Admins will see a dropdown selector in the main evidence and cases section that allowed them to swtich between thier own cases and evidence and all cases and evidence.

  • This change was made to offer better control of access to case and evidence data. This was also implemented to help users more easily manage thier case load and focus on the cases that they are assigned to.

Several UI Updates and Improvements

  • New tables and grids have been designed with pagination for better performance.

  • Major grids and tables now have a new query filter system to easily view the data that you want to see.

  • The Monolith UI styling has been updated in several places. There are some pages that still show the old UI, these secions will be updated soon.

  • The following details pages has been redesigned: Inquiry Details, Evidence Details, Main Overview, and Case Overview. Other sections will be updated in upcoming patches.

New Case File System

  • Each case has a new system for managing files. Files can now be uploaded and managed in a file/folder browser.

  • The individual file size limit of 30 MB has been removed, but now there is a 50GB total limit for case file storage across your entire Monolith tenant.

  • You can create folders and move files around as needed.

  • This system also comes with a file upload manager that allows you to continue uploading files while still navigating and using Monolith.

  • A folder from your host system and can be dropped into the file browser - Monolith will then upload the files and match folder structure.

  • There are several features related to this update - be sure to test it out to see them all.

Other updates and various bug fixes

  • Added a status field to acquisitions that can be set to "Active" or "Deleted".

  • New values have been added to evidence items such as location path and a normalized size column that shows the item's size in GB.

  • Other misc updates and fixes.

Patch 3.0.8 - May 10, 2023

Feature Updates

  • Added "Organizations" as a query-filter option for the main Inquiries table.

  • Added acquisition "status" selector to metrics report.

  • Updated Query Filter so that the selection menu does not close when selected items.

Minor patches and bug fixes

  • Repaired various, minor UI bugs discovered after major update.

  • Fixed issue with evidence custom fields that were not fully rendering in new evidence details page.

  • Fixed create contact flyout when creating new evidence items. The flyout was appearing behind the evidence creation menu, it now renders properly.

  • Fixed issue with all storage items loading into dropdown selector when creating or editing acquisitions. This has been fixed and only shows general storage items and case assigned storage items.

  • Fixed label printing issues caused by latest update.

Patch 3.0.09 - May 11, 2023

Feature Updates

  • Added more preview data to the un-expanded evidence coc containers in the evidence details page.

  • Added tool tip to the case number tag on tasks shown in the main tasks section. The tooltip will show additional information about the case that the task is associated with.

  • Added "Acquired By" query filter to acquisitions tables.

  • Added a case activity log when a user edits a case note.

Minor patches and bug fixes

  • Fixed the evidence photos grid so that photos will not overflow the container.

  • Fixed sorting issue related to the "Current Location" and "Description" columns of the storage item table.

  • Fixed sorting issue related to the "Organization" column in the cases table.

Patch 3.0.10 - May 15, 2023

Feature Updates

  • Added additional options to the new query filter system: "Contains", "Does not Contain", "Is", "Is Not". These options include a new text search feature where you can execute a search on a specific field.

  • Added additional fields to the new query filter system. Most columns/fields within a table can now be used as a query filter.

  • The available fields in the query filter system are now sorted alphabetically.

  • PST format has been added to the list of supported formats for acquisitions.

Patches and bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with case number badges in the main tasks section. The client name was not displaying consistently, this has been fixed.

  • Fixed render issues when updating acquisition info.

  • Fixed evidence label issues related to client org, received from, & received by fields.

  • Fixed contacts list in case report options.

Patch 3.0.11 - May 17, 2023

Feature Updates

  • Updated storage item details page.

  • Added digital signatures to the chain of custody system for storage items.

  • Added types to storage item COC.

  • Added location path to storage item tables and filters.

  • Added storage item UUID to table and filters.

  • Removed the "Select All" option when assigning storage items to cases. This was removed to prevent accidental assignment of all available storage items to a case. You can still assign multiple items at once, you just have to select each separately without using checkboxes.

  • Added evidence UUID to table and filters.

  • Added evidence UUID to acquisition tables and filters.

  • Re-enabled the barcode scanner. If you scan a barcode with an item UUID or other unique value, Monolith will find the item and navigate the user directly to its details page in Monolith. The scan process has been improved so that the scanned value will be entered into a text field when focused, overriding its primary function of finding and navigating to an item.

  • On-Premises Deployments: Added option to include MySQL SSL cert for database connections.

Patches and bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with file and folder uploads in the Monolith Desktop app. Folder structure was not properly constructed in Monolith upon item upload.

  • Fixed issue with evidence custom fields within the inquiry details page. Custom fields of manually entered evidence items were not transferred during the case creation or merge.

  • Fixed issue with user notification settings.

Patch 3.0.13 - May 23, 2023

Patches and bug fixes

  • Fixed location selector in the chain of custody settings when creating child evidence items.

Patch 3.0.14 - May 24, 2023

Patches and bug fixes

  • Fixed issue related to editing custom fields for an inquiry.

  • Fixed issue related to deleting acquisitions.

Patch 3.0.16 - May 26, 2023

Feature Updates

  • On-Premises Deployments: Added MFA enable/disable option for users. This can be accessed from the user's profile and can only be edited by an admin or the user.

  • Allow storage items to be moved, even when they are not assigned to cases.

  • Adjusted max height of menu drop down selectors to prevent screen overflow.

Patches and bug fixes

  • Fixed file download issue for case files.

  • Fixed the "intake_date" value for evidence labels.

  • Fixed issue with evidence photo downloads.

Last updated