
Automatic Updates

If you have deployed Monolith with the Watchtower container, the Monolith API server, Monolith web app, and Relay web app will automatically update if the host system has internet access.

Watchtower checks for updates to these container every 30 seconds.

You may disable these automatic updates by simply removing the Watchtower container from your Monolith deployment.

Force an Update

If you don't want to wait for Watchtower or if you want to buld updates into a recurring script, you can force an update with a couple of commands.

The following commands use Docker compose to pull down the latest Monolith images, and rebuild the entire Monolith deployment with the new images.

## destroy currently running Monolith containers
docker compose down

## Pull latest images
docker compose pull

## Deploy Monolith containers with new images
docker compose up -d

Be sure to run these commands from the same directory as your Monolith docker-compose.yml file.

You can imbed these commands within a bash or batch script if you would like to implement your own scheduled updates instead of using watchtower.

Manual Updates

You can also update the Monolith server containers manually. This can be useful in air-gapped environments or if you do not wish to deploy with automatic updates.

Download Latest Container Images

Run the following commands to download the latest container images for Monolith deployment or updates:

docker pull monolithforensics/nginx:latest
docker pull monolithforensics/monolith:on-prem 
docker pull monolithforensics/monolith-api:latest
docker pull monolithforensics/monolith-forms:on-prem
docker pull mysql:8.0.16

Export Container Images for Transfer

Run the following commands to export the container images to TAR files that can be transferred to the the host running the Monolith server:

docker image save -o monolithfornesics_nginx.tar monolithforensics/nginx:latest
docker image save -o monolithforensics_monolith.tar monolithforensics/monolith:on-prem
docker image save -o monolithforensics_monolith-api.tar monolithforensics/monolith-api:latest
docker image save -o monolithforensics_relay.tar monolithforensics/monolith-forms:on-prem
docker image save -o mysql_8.0.16.tar mysql:8.0.16

You can now transfer these TAR files to the host system that runs your Monolith deployment.

Import Container Images to Server

To import the TAR files, run the following commands on the host system that is using Docker to deploy the Monolith containers:

docker image load -i monolithfornesics_nginx.tar
docker image load -i monolithforensics_monolith.tar
docker image load -i monolithforensics_monolith-api.tar
docker image load -i monolithforensics_relay.tar
docker image load -i mysql_8.0.16.tar

Restart the Monolith Server

To restart Monolith with the new containers, run the following commands on your Monolith host and from the directory that includes your docker-compose.yml file:

docker compose down
docker compose up -d

Last updated