Useful Commands

Starting and Stopping Monolith Server

// Deploy and Run Monolith Containers
// Must be run in same directory as docker-compose.yml
docker compose up -d

// Remove Monolith containers
// ust be run in same directory as docker-compose.yml
docker compose down

These commands can be used together to conduct a "hard" restart of Monolith.

Restarting Monolith in this way does not cause any data loss and should be used when you need to update your licensing from a license token.

Various Docker Commands

// Show resource usage of docker containers
docker stats

// Show running containers
docker container ls -a

// Show downloaded container images
docker image ls -a

// Download fresh container image
docker pull [container-name]

// Restart container
docker container restart [container-name]

Docker CLI Reference

Additional Docker commands can be reviewed on Dockers official documentation pages:

Docker Compose CLI Reference

Additional Docker compose commands can be reviewed on Docker's official documentations pages:

Last updated