Custom Fields

Capture and track information that is unique to your organization.

Custom Field Settings

From the custom fields section you can create, edit, delete, and enable custom fields for your Monolith tenant. Monolith currently supports custom field items for: Cases, Evidence, Acquisitions, Inquiries and Storage.

Adding Custom Fields

Open the collapsable section for the category of custom field you would like to create (for example Custom Cases Fields).

Creating Custom Fields Options

  1. Field Name (Required): The display name of your custom field

  2. Is Required (Required): A yes/no option to indicate whether this should be a required field in Create and Edit modals for this category.

  3. Editor Type(Required): Select whether you want this field to be:

    • Textbox - Regular text field

    • Date - Provides a date selector dropdown

    • Drop Down Menu - User's can select an item from a dropdown list

    • Tag Box - User's can select multiple items from a dropdown list

  4. Description: Populates placeholder text in the input box associated with your custom field in the category's Create and Edit modals.

Managing Custom Fields

  • Enable/Disable: Determines if custom field will appear in Create and Edit Modals.

Disabling a custom field will not remove it from items that have been assigned a value for that field. For example, if you have an Evidence Custom Field called "Agency ID" that has been disabled, the evidence item(s) that have been assigned an "Agency ID" value will still display it in their individual pages. To remove the custom field completely from all items, you must delete that field.

  • Edit: Edit custom field details.

  • Delete: Removes the field and its values from your Monolith tenant.

Re-Order Custom Fields

Each category's custom field sections can be re-ordered by dragging and dropping custom field components within their respective lists.

Last updated