Forensic Software

View, Edit, Delete and export a list of all of your software products

The Forensic Software table allows you to manage your software subscriptions including tracking details like purchase date, expire date, and cost. From this view you can also export the details of this table to an excel document.

Exporting to Excel

Your equipment list to an excel document by selecting the Download option from the table menu.

All of the columns you have selected in your table view will be shown in your exported excel document.

Add Software Item

You can add new software to your list by clicking the "New Software" button from the table view.

You can include details such as Vendor, Edition, Purchase Date, Expire Date, Cost, and Location.

Edit Software Item

You can also edit all of the details of your software items by opening a flyout menu from the table view.

Delete Software Item

From the flyout menu you can delete Software Items.

Last updated