Auditing Items

Each of the status tabs can be used to navigate through the items being audited.

How to Audit an Item

Auditing an item typically involves at least two procedures:

Verifying the item location

One type of audit requires the auditor to compare the location of the item listed in Monolith with its actual location in the forensic lab or designated evidence storage.

For Example, consider the following item:

According to Monolith, this item is currently located within the Calgary office, at the Evidence Room group, and at the AAA location.

Verify the location by finding the physical item in your posession and check if its actual location in reality matches the location recorded in Monolith.

Verifying the item's details

The other type of audit requires the auditor to verify all the item's details and not just the location. This type of audit requires more work but can be useful in maintaining accurate data in your Monolith database.

Audit Procedure

Failing an audit item

If the item's location or other details are incorrect, use the status selector of the item to mark it as "Failed". This will open a meu where you can enter a note about why the item failed.

You can then fix the item right away by updating the location or details in Monolith, or you can wait until you have audited all items first.

Once the status update is submitted, the audit item card is moved to the "Failed" tab.

Passing an audit item

If you determine that the details and location of the item are correct, you can then mark the item as having passed its audit.

This may also occur after you have failed the item and then updated the item with accurate information.

The process to pass an item is identical to failing an item. You simply update its status to "Passed" and enter a note about why it passed.

Audit methods

When updating an audit item's status, the audit method will update whenever you pass or fail an item.

The audit methods currently used are "Manual" and "Scanned". Using the status selector to update the item's status will set the audit method to "Manual" as it represent that the auditor manually passed or failed the item without using a scanner.

The "Scanned" method is discussed in more detail here: Using a scanner

Audit logs

The audit logs record each time and audit item's status is updated. These logs include a timestamp, auditor, and the notes entered at the time of audit.

These logs can be used for documentation or to keep track of why items did not pass an audit and then repair the items as needed.

The audit logs can also be viewed within the audit items detail's page.

Here is an example of the audit logs from this evidence items details page:

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