
The Overview page contains a series of widgets that can help you get a sense of your recent workflows and other pieces of information that may help you gain your bearings.

These widgets can be rearranged and resized to meet your preferences. The widgets can be moved by clicking and dragging the title bar of the widget. They can be resized by clicking and dragging the bottom right corner of the widget to the desired size.


Case Lead Assignments

This is a pie chart that shows the current distribution of non-closed cases across all of your case leads.

Cases & Evidence

This is a line chart that shows the amount of cases, evidence, and acquisitions that has been created over a 12 month period.

My Recent Cases

This is a list of the 15 most recent cases that you have accessed.

My Recent Evidence

This is a list of the 15 most recent evidence items that you have accessed.

My Recent Activity

This is a list of the 15 most recent activity logs for your account.

New Inquiries

This is a list of inquiries that have a current status of "New".

My QA Reviews

These are Quality Assurance reviews that are currently assigned to you and are not complete.

Tasks Due Soon

This is a list of tasks that are due within the next 7 days.

Last updated